Some Questions about Individual Compensations for Hungarian Germans (1989–1992)


Previous analyses have examined the compensation process carried out in Hungary in the 1990s from the perspective of the aspirations of political parties and changes in their positions in this regard, and in the context of the legal norms adopted. On the other hand, little attention has been paid to the opinions of the individual groups concerned regarding compensations, their concrete efforts and the possibility of asserting their interests. In previous research, the societal costs of rights violations and their impact on the groups affected or on the lives of individuals have hardly been addressed. The documents attached to the applications for compensation (life stories, photographs, correspondence, files) shed light on countless stories of experiences that – going beyond individual survival strategies and struggles – also reveal the existential, psychological and physical effects of the violations of rights, which had consequences for generations. The study examines the position of the Hungarian-German community on individual decisions, the related activities of the national association of Hungarian Germans and the efforts to incorporate the violations of rights into the community’s culture of remembrance.


individual compensation in Hungary; efforts of the national association of Hungarian Germans; culture of remembrance

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Published : 2022-12-16

Tóth, Ágnes. (2022). Some Questions about Individual Compensations for Hungarian Germans (1989–1992). Rocznik Polsko-Niemiecki, (30), 83-100.

Ágnes Tóth
Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest  Hungary

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