Działalność humanitarna – niesienie pomocy czy przemysł?


Helping is a natural human inclination, associated with a feeling of compassion and readiness to provide support as well as demonstration of empathy and solidarity. This inclination is born in man especially in the face of tragic disasters which, due to the wide media coverage, can mobilize the international community to take such measures. Still, the motivation to provide assistance is not always lofty. International aid is mainly provided to victims of the so-called sudden onset crises, i.e. catastrophes that occurred suddenly and unexpectedly, and their size is shocking. First of all, we help victims of spectacular, tragic events, because the media constantly report on them so that they become “attractive”. This gives rise to a question of humanitarian generosity. This article attempts to analyse the motivations that may guide international donors in their humanitarian activities.


Opublikowane : 2014-01-30

Szymoniczek, J. (2014). Działalność humanitarna – niesienie pomocy czy przemysł?. Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki, 16, 89-103.

Joanna Szymoniczek 
Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN  Polska

Doktor nauk humanistycznych, politolog, adiunkt w Zakładzie Studiów nad Niemcami Instytutu Studiów Politycznych PAN.

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