Totalitaryzm jako zjawisko demaskujące. Uwagi na temat Tischnerowskiego rozumienia totalitaryzmu


The author describes the perspective on the phenomenon of totalitarianism held by Jozef Tischner, who, although intrigued by politics and its manifestations, never saw a space for positive human activity in it. In his endeavor to investigate the problems faced by an individual sensitive to the ethical dimension of their life, he used to describe totalitarian experiences as those revealing the negative phenomena in the interpersonal world. It is for this reason that his reflection on totalitarianism has little in common with analyses carried out on the grounds of political sciences, which are focused on descriptions of the structures of a totalitarian state.


Opublikowane : 2012-01-30

Siwek, A. (2012). Totalitaryzm jako zjawisko demaskujące. Uwagi na temat Tischnerowskiego rozumienia totalitaryzmu. Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki, 14, 57-68.

Anna Siwek 
Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk  Polska

Filozof, doktor nauk o polityce, adiunkt w Zakładzie Filozofii Polityki Instytutu Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, sekretarz redakcji „Civitas. Studia z Filozofii Polityki”.