Kłoskowska i Williams, czyli o pewnej zbieżności w czasie


The phenomenon of publication, in the same year, of two books having identical titles, is enough to study the theory presented therein. Both books feature the notion of culture, which was broadly elaborated by both authors: Antonina Kłoskowska and Raymond Williams already in their earlier analyses. It turns out, however, that no matter the title of a book interesting to us, culture is tackled differently in both of them. Williams seems to keep using anthropological definition of culture, while Kłoskowska suggests sociological approach. A reflection on culture by the English academic has shaped the character of British cultural studies and their subsequent follow-ups around the world. A question arises, to what extent the sociological approach by Kłoskowska may give impetus to cultural research in Poland, especially when symbolic culture appears beyond the principle of autotelism.

Słowa kluczowe

autoteliczność; kultura; kultura bytu; kultura społeczna; kultura symboliczna; socjologia kultury; studia kulturowe

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Filmer Paul, 2003, Structures of Feeling and Socio-cultural Formations: The Significance and Experience to Raymond Williams’s Sociology of Culture, „British Journal of Sociology”, t. 54, s. 199–219.

Jenks Chris, 1999, Kultura, tłum. Wojciech J. Burszta, Zysk i S-ka, Poznań.

Kant Bharadwaj Lakshmi, 2007, The Sociology of Culture, w: 21st Century Sociology. Reference Book, t. 1, Clifton D. Bryant, Dennis L. Peck (red.), Sage Publications, London–New Delhi.

Kłoskowska Antonina, 1981, Socjologia kultury, PWN, Warszawa.

Kłoskowska Antonina, 1983, Kultura masowa. Krytyka i obrona, PWN, Warszawa (I wyd. 1964).

Milner Andrew, Browitt Jeff, 2002, Contemporary Cultural Theory: An Introduction, Routledge, London.

O’Connor Alan, 2005, Raymond Williams, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, New York–Oxford.

Peterson Richard A., 1979, Revitalizing the Culture Concept, „Annual Review of Anthropology”, t. 5, s. 137–166.

Posner Roland, 2011, Post-modernism, Post-structuralism, Post-semiotics? Sign Theory at the fin de siècle, „Semiotica”, t. 183, s. 9–30.

Storey John, 2009, Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction, Pearson–Longman, London–Milan.

Williams Raymond,1958, Culture Is Ordinary, w: Norman Mackenzie (red.), Conviction, Macgibson and Kee, London.

Williams Raymond, 1961a, Culture and Society 1780–1950, Penguin Books, London.

Williams Raymond, 1961b, The Long Revolution, Columbia Uniwersity Press, Chatto and Windus, New York–London.

Williams Raymond,1981a, The Sociology of Culture, Schocken, New York.

Williams Raymond, 1981b, Culture, Fontana, Glasgow.

Williams Raymond, 1983, Keywords, Fontana, London.

Williams Raymond, 1989, Marksizm i literatura, tłum. Antoni Chojnacki, Edward Kasperski, PWN, Warszawa.

Żółkiewski Stefan, 1989, Posłowie, w: Raymond Williams, Marksizm i literatura, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.


Opublikowane : 2011-05-10

Kowalewicz, K. (2011). Kłoskowska i Williams, czyli o pewnej zbieżności w czasie. Kultura I Społeczeństwo, 55(2-3), 37-51. https://doi.org/10.35757/KiS.2011.55.2-3.2

Kazimierz Kowalewicz  kowalew@uni.lodz.pl
Uniwersytet Łódzki  Polska