Single-man and Single-woman about Living Alone


The article presents Polish singles’ main arguments for living alone that are from micro-social level, e.g. unfortunate experiences in previous relationships, negative memory of one’s parents relationship, very strong family ties, negative impression of friends’ relationships, no experience in building lasting relationships, happy marriage of one’s parents as an unachievable ideal, living alone as a natural consequence of being an only child etc. These general arguments have been described in relation to various reasons for which the single-men and single-women have decided to live alone. The article is based on empirical surveys which were carried out at the turn of 2006/2007.


singles; living alone; alone by choice

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Published : 2008-07-09

Czernecka, J. (2008). Single-man and Single-woman about Living Alone. Culture & Society, 52(3), 153-178.

Julita Czernecka
Uniwersytet Łódzki  Poland

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