“Children of war” - biographies other than the usual

rec.: Jakub Gałęziowski, Niedopowiedziane biografie. Polskie dzieci urodzone z powodu wojny, Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej,Warszawa2022


The subject matter tackled by Jakub Gałęziowski in his latest book Niedopowiedziane biografie. Polskie dzieci urodzone z powodu wojny [Understated biographies. Polish children born because of war — CBOW] includes testimonies of people who were conceived during the Second World War. An important aspect, however, is that these children were born from unions between the occupants and local women. The act itself may have been voluntary or forced, and the book refers only to the latter. The book is an important attempt to fill a large research gap that could not be filled for many years, due to communist rule in Poland as well as the women themselves or surrogate families concealing the truth.


CBOW; war; children; biographical method


Published : 2023-03-31

Felińska, M. (2023). “Children of war” - biographies other than the usual . Culture & Society, 67(1), 231-234. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.isppan.waw.pl/index.php/kis/article/view/2116

Małgorzata Felińska  malgorzatafelinska@o2.pl
University of Wrocław  Poland