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Nr 31 (2023)


W kierunku państwa przyjaznego migrantom – polityka imigracyjna rządu SPD, FDP i Zielonych

Przesłane: 7 lutego 2023
Opublikowane: 30 listopada 2023


The aim of the article is to examine the actions taken by the government of the SPD-FDP-Greens in Germany as part of the migration policy towards foreigners, both arriving in and residing in the country. The work is intended to clarify whether these decisions were part of the multicultural model of immigration policy. The article analyzes the activities of the government, the intention of which was to regulate the stay and introduce facilitations in terms of coming to Germany, and points to the consequences of this policy. The government’s actions included, among others: continuation of the voluntary resettlement programme, joining the group of countries voluntarily accepting migrants, easing the requirements in the procedure of granting citizenship, introducing the right of occasional residence for tolerated persons, shortening the duration of the asylum procedure and not introducing regular border checks on sections of the border that were exposed to high migration pressure. They resulted in an increase in migration pressure to Germany and a large number of applications for international protection.



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