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Nr 31 (2023)

Studia, dokumenty i materiały

Lemkins Legacy

Przesłane: 7 sierpnia 2023
Opublikowane: 30 listopada 2023


  • Bartlett M., By the Way, “The Christian Century”, 18 July 1956.
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  • Bieńczyk-Missala A., Dębski S. (ed.), Rafał Lemkin: A Hero of Humankind, The Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw 2010.
  • Bloxham D., Moses A.D. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook on Genocide Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010.
  • Butcher T.M., A “Synchronized Attack”: On Raphael Lemkin’s Holistic Conception of Genocide, “Journal of Genocide Research” 2013, vol. 15, issue 3.
  • Chatterjee D.K. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Justice, Springer, Dordrecht 2011.
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  • Freeman M., Genocide, Civilization and Modernity, “The British Journal of Sociology” 1995, vol. 46, issue 2.
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  • Hinton A.L., Critical Genocide Studies, “Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal” 2012, vol. 7, issue 1.
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  • Kiechel Ch., Legible Testimonies: Raphaël Lemkin, the Victim’s Voice, and the Global History of Genocide, “Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal” 2019, vol. 13, issue 1.
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  • Schabas W.A., Genocide in International Law: The Crime of Crimes, Cambridge 2009.
  • Schaller D., From Lemkin to Clooney: The Development and State of Studies, “Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal” 2011, vol. 6, issue 3.
  • Schaller D.J., Zimmerer J. (ed.), The Origins of Genocide. Raphael Lemkin as a Historian of Mass Violence, Routledge, New York 2009.
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  • Scholz S.J., Genocide, in: D.K. Chatterjee (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Justice, Springer, Dordrecht 2011.
  • Solomon D.E., The Black Freedom Movement and the Politics of the Anti-Genocide Norm in the United States, 1951–1967, “Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal” 2019, vol. 13, issue 1.
  • Stiller A., The Mass Murder of the European Jews and the Concept of “Genocide” in the
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  • Stone D., Raphael Lemkin as Historian of the Holocaust, in: D. Stone (ed.), The Holocaust, Fascism and Memory. Essays in the History of Ideas, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills–Basingstoke–Hampshire 2013.
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  • Szawłowski R., Rafał Lemkin. Biografia intelektualna, Wydawnictwo Akademickie „Sedno”, Warszawa 2020.
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  • Weiss-Wendt A., The Soviet Union and the Gutting of the UN Genocide Convention, University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin 2017.
  • Weitz E.D., A Century of Genocide. Utopias of Race and Nations, Princeton University Press, Princeton–Oxford 2005.
  • Znaniecki F., Upadek cywilizacji zachodniej, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2013 (original edition: 1921).


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