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Nr. 29 (2021)


Willkomens- oder Auf-Wiedersehenskultur in Deutschland? Die deutsche Gesellschaft im Theater des Alltags: Naika Foroutan, Jana Hensel, Die Gesellschaft der Anderen, Aufbau Verlag (Digital), Berlin 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35757/RPN.2021.29.10
Eingereicht: April 19, 2021
Veröffentlicht: September 14, 2021


In the article, the author discusses the main issues raised by Naika Foroutan and Jana Hensel in their book, regarding the possibility of comparisons between the situation of the newest migrants and the East Germans after reunification in Germany. Both the processes related to the functioning of the two aforementioned groups in German society and the authors' attitude towards them were discussed. In the article, the author referred to several important issues related to the subject of the book, namely: the minority-majority situation and the resulting consequences, the fluidity of the category of "other", "stranger", the socio-political and historical context of the presented phenomena, the issue of the authors' positioning as representatives of minorities and the theoretical / research concepts and approaches proposed by the authors.



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