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Tom 71 Nr 1 (2018): Polska – Ukraina: partnerstwo i historia

Historia i polityka

Досвід політичних трансформацій в Україні: від рефлексії мімікрії до імперативу системної європеїзації

Przesłane: 12 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 30 marca 2018


The article concerns the main trends of post-communist development of Ukraine from the point of view of achievements and failures in the social and political transformations carried out during its course. The political system, the process of democratisation, the evolution of the party system and the electoral process are of core importance in the author’s analysis. The author discusses the difficulties related to the formation of stable liberal democracy and considers these alongside external and internal factors inhibiting the emergence of modern statehood resistant to numerous challenges. The potential and limitations of civic society’s influence on political processes in the country are also taken into account. The difficulties in creating a national elite capable of the effective implementation of agreed reforms and responsible interaction with citizens are shown. The problems of economic transit to a modern market economy are briefly discussed. The main social contradictions resulting from the oligarchization of both the economic and political spheres of the state are analysed. It is stated that the revolutionary mood generated during the events of 2013–2014 has been exhausted. Particular attention is paid to the importance of Ukraine's European policy, its rapprochement with the European Union (EU), including counteracting the military-political and other pressures from Russia. Attention is drawn to the long-term tendency of the political elite in Ukraine to simulate reforms aimed at systematic Europeanisation of the country. Initial classification of the social groups in Ukrainian society is proposed from the point of view of their attitude towards reforms implemented in the country. The special importance of both internal and external support from the EU and the international community, particularly countries friendly to Ukraine, is emphasised.


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