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Tom 71 Nr 1 (2018): Polska – Ukraina: partnerstwo i historia

Historia i polityka

Polska i Ukraina. 25 lat zmian systemowych

Przesłane: 12 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 30 marca 2018


After 1989, Poland and Ukraine were subject to the process of political, economic and social transformation. While Poland regained full sovereignty, Ukraine became an independent state. Both countries were in a similar economic situation at the beginning of the transformation. Poland experienced significant economic growth as the result of the unambiguous choice of western integration, entry into the structures of the European Union (EU) and aid from the EU. The multi-vector nature of Ukraine’s policies resulted in the backwardness of many processes, and the direction of western integration became dominant only after the revolution of dignity. Both countries are important economic and political partners.


  • Baluk W., Kształtowanie systemu partyjnego Ukrainy w okresie transformacji ustrojowej, Oficyna Wydawnicza Arboretum, Wrocław 2006.
  • Pietnoczka P., Partie polityczne w niepodległej Ukrainie 1991−2007, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2014.


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