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Tom 71 Nr 1 (2018): Polska – Ukraina: partnerstwo i historia

Głosy w dyskusji

Сучасні українсько-польські взаємини у діаспорі (на прикладі Канади)

Przesłane: 12 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 30.03.2018


This article is dedicated to Ukrainian-Polish relations in Canada. Both ethnic groups began to migrate to Canada in the late 19th century. The author focuses on Ukrainian and Polish relations at intergovernmental and interpersonal levels.


  1. Isajiw W., Boshyk Y., Senkus R. (ed.), The Refugee Experience: Ukrainian Displaced Persons after World War II, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, University of Alberta, Edmonton 1992.
  2. Makar V., Ukrainci Kanady - neperervnyj zviazok z Ukrainoiu, „Zovnishni Spravy” 2016, № 9.


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