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Tom 71 Nr 2 (2018): Jak mówić o Unii Europejskiej?

Unia Europejska w czasie wielkich zmian

Od funkcjonalnej do substancjalnej europejskiej tożsamości – zmiana podejścia do roli europejskich wartości

Przesłane: 14 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 29 czerwca 2018


Starting from the 1970s, the concept of European identity has been connected with the response to the crisis phenomena. Through the theoretical aspect, it was shown in this article how a functional understanding of European identity negated its criticism in the name of the necessary legitimization of the integration process. There is also presented a change in the approach to the role of values in European integration, and the concept of European identity per se (from functional to substantial), which has recently taken place in the European Union under the influence of growing internal conflicts and external threats. Essentially, this revision leads to the shift of the whole debate about the identity from the functionally understood legitimization of the system towards the claim motivated by historical, axiological and civilizational reasons to treat the EU as a normative force in politics. Therefore, can normative power be created on a foundation whose substantial identity is treated as a way to generate output legitimacy?


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