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Tom 71 Nr 2 (2018): Jak mówić o Unii Europejskiej?

W poszukiwaniu nowej opowieści o Europie

Unia Europejska – kryzys opowieści, kryzysowa opowieść

Przesłane: 14 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 29 czerwca 2018


The article focuses on European integration narratives and their emphasis of ‘crisis’ as the main feature overshadowing and explaining all events and processes. It is argued that the dominant story about the collapsing Union, combined with transformations in the field of communications, creates very difficult conditions for re-creation of a political story outlining a better future. The latter constitutes an indispensible element of the success of the integration process. In fact, re-introduction of such a positive narrative is crucial to solve the crisis and much more important than any institutional innovation. In addition, the article discusses the weaknesses of the ‘European camp’ that got used to a secure and closed space created by means of transforming political myth into expert knowledge.


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