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Tom 71 Nr 4 (2018): Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne


Porozumienie o wolnym handlu między Unią Europejską i Koreą Południową – perspektywy dla polskich eksporterów

Przesłane: 17 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 28 grudnia 2018


The aim of the article is to analyse the main effects of trade liberalisation in the framework of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and South Korea (FTA) and to identify prospects for Polish exporters. The following hypothesis has been adapted: the FTA creates a significant impulse for the intensification of bilateral trade but there are still barriers to trade development. Generally, chances arising from the agreement are used more effectively by the European than by individual member states, including Poland. The study is based on data analysis, reports and studies conducted by various research centres. The results of the study support the hypothesis. A systematic increase in the volume of trade in goods has been observed since FTA came into force. In the case of Poland, there is still a negative balance of trade in goods. It results from various factors (internal and external), including the existence of regulatory and administrative barriers as well as market-related obstacles to entering the South Korean market.



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