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Tom 77 Nr 1 (2024): Rola i kondycja NATO we współczesnym świecie

Artykuły recenzyjne, recenzje i noty

Tom Ginsburg, „Democracies and International Law”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2021, 329 ss.

Przesłane: 20 listopada 2024
Opublikowane: 17 stycznia 2024


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  2. Franck Th.M., The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance, „American Journal of International Law” 1992, vol. 86, No. 1.
  3. Ginsburg T., Democracies and International Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2021.
  4. Ginsburg T., Huq A.Z., How to Save a Constitutional Democracy, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2018.
  5. Svolik M.W., The Politics of Authoritarian Rule, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2012.
  6. Tansey O., International Politics of Authoritarian Rule, Oxford University Press, New York 2016.


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