The Architecture of Separation: Israeli Policy towards the Palestinians in the West Bank


According to the classic view of architecture, its primary function is to create spatial law and order so as to improve the functioning of man in the architectural environment. Classical works on the theory of architecture focused on those qualities that portrayed architecture as having a clearly positive dimension, the pursuit of which should be the primary task of an architect. Is it true, however, that architecture has only one common meaning? This assertion is undermined by buildings constructed on borderlands, which are imposed on one community by another. An example is the wall being erected by Israel since 2002 to separate the state from the West Bank. While it has become a symbol of security and order for the Israelis, it is an emblem of enslavement and chaos for the Palestinians who have been trapped on the other side of the barrier.

Opublikowane : 2016-06-24

Codogni, P. (2016). The Architecture of Separation: Israeli Policy towards the Palestinians in the West Bank. Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki, 19, 149-177.

Paulina Codogni 
Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN  Polska

Doctor of Political Science, the author of books about contemporary Polish history, a deputy rector for international cooperation at Collegium Civitas and an assistant professor in the Department of Central and Eastern Europe at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science. Her research interests include the period of political transformation in Poland and civil resistance.
She is the author of the  monographs: The Year 1956 (2006), The Round Table – the Polish Rubicon (2009) and
The Elections in June 1989 – at the Threshold of Political Transformation (2012). Further effects of the wall on the West Bank will be discussed in the forthcoming monograph on Israeli policy towards the Palestinians in the West Bank.

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