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Tom 74 Nr 3 (2021): Europejski Zielony Ład

Zielony ład a gospodarka w obiegu zamkniętym

Circular economy – a new concept or a necessity

Przesłane: 31 grudnia 2021
Opublikowane: 30 grudnia 2021


This article presents the idea of a circular economy (CE) as a practical implementation of postulates of the sustainable development of the economy. The focus is on the current situation of the use of natural resources and their capacity to meet global needs. The article has a theoretical character, enriched by presenting up-to-date statistical data concerning the use of natural resources. The main thesis of the article assumes that the CE model appears to be a proper solution for achieving sustainable development aims as it links environmental aspects with economic challenges. The aim of this article is to show the relationship between the increasing usage of natural resources and the need to save them through implementation of this complex solution. The results of the preliminary analysis indicate that the use of natural resources, corresponding to the level of global consumption, is still increasing and could threaten the possibility of meeting the needs of future generations.


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