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Tom 74 Nr 4 (2021): Kaukaz Południowy na rozdrożu

Niemilitarne wymiary bezpieczeństwa Azerbejdżanu

Polityka bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Azerbejdżanu w regionie kaspijskim

Przesłane: 27 grudnia 2021
Opublikowane: 27 grudnia 2021


In contemporary international relations, the energy security is becoming a key issue. Access to energy resources is the existential need of every state, conditioning its economic and social development. Interdependencies in the energy field are a key determinants of international relations, where the participants are not only states but also non-sovereign actors. The research problem of the study is the analysis of Azerbaijan's energy security policy priorities in the Caspian region. The main aim of the research is to present its interests, conditions and activities in the energy security policy dimension. Pipeline geopolitics and security threats influence the strategic goals of Azerbaijan's policy, a pioneer in the development of the energy sector in the Caspian region.


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