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Tom 48 Nr 2 (2020)

Podzielone wyspy

Symboliczne łączenie transgranicznych miast nadmorskich. Przykład Świnoujście – Heringsdorf

Przesłane: 29 września 2020
Opublikowane: 25 września 2020


The aim of the article is to show the elements of cooperation that foster the connection of border cities, with particular emphasis on infrastructure, means of transport and tourism, using the example of coastal cities. An example of such a place is the island of Uznam and the coastal cities of Heringsdorf (Germany) and Świnoujście (Poland) separated by the state border. With the opening of the internal borders of the European Union, it became possible to organise the undeveloped spaces between the settlement units in the cross-border areas. This is aimed at both: managing the initial border and the related elements (which can lead to their visual disappearance – destruction, deliberate dismantling and so on – and to maintaining the visibility of these elements) and at symbolically connecting the space by blurring or symbolically highlighting the elements of the border or integration (such as lines, inscriptions, monuments).
In the case of Świnoujście and Heringsdorf, the most important elements of the symbolic connection of the neighbouring countries were the creation of border crossings, the launch of ship cruises and bus connections. Moreover, the border has become a symbol of barriers and also of integration, that is, a connecting element. In 2011, the Cross-border Promenade Świnoujście-Heringsdorf was commissioned. It is one of the most interesting architectural projects showing the integration of the states. The promenade itself, as well as special monuments, plaques and border markings have a high symbolic value and therefore function as tourist attractions. At the same time, they contribute to the protection of heritage. The border is an element of modernisation and an impulse for economic growth. Thanks to the European Union’s policy, it is also a specific place for access to financial resources.


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