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Nr. 24/2 (2016)


Inżynieria społeczna – między biopolityką a etnopolityką

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35757/RPN.2016.24.14
Eingereicht: Oktober 13, 2020
Veröffentlicht: April 29, 2016


Social engineering comprises two major models of politics: ethnopolitics and biopolitics. Biopolitics aims to create a society whose government does not treat the right to decide about death as the main tool of politics and is responsible for life development and management. The most important task of this government is no longer to receive certain benefits, but to control them and increase their efficiency. Ethnopolitics, in turn, aims to create an ethnically homogenous state, although such projects were sometimes more complicated in terms of the structure of a nation. This article aims to look at the main directions in the development of social engineering projects in Central Europe (Germany), East-Central Europe (Poland and Ukraine), as well as on the border between the latter and Southeastern Europe (Croatia).


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