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Nr. 19 (2011)


Międzynarodowa pomoc humanitarna i rozwojowa jako instrumenty niemieckiej polityki zagranicznej

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35757/RPN.2011.19.06
Eingereicht: November 3, 2020
Veröffentlicht: April 29, 2011


As far as both humanitarian and development aid are concerned, Germany is a major donor. Involvement in such activity is aimed most of all at building up Germany’s strong position in the international arena, creating a positive image of Germany’s presence abroad, gaining in influence on the formation of a specific world view and of attitudes in the social, political and moral spheres in the recipient countries, and obtaining tangible financial, political and economic benefits. Support from Germany flows to victims of disasters and catastrophes, forgotten armed conflicts and alarming humanitarian problems. To any appeals for assistance, Germany reacts extremely fast. This is possible because of a very efficient system established in the country, comprised of public institutions and non-governmental organisation and with its operations in the international arena regulated in a series of documents. What is characteristic of German aid is the speed with which at arrives to the aggrieved, its adequacy and its subordination to political objectives, particularly in cases of providing aid in armed conflict situations. The fact that Germany is involved, most of all, in bilateral aid operations, which makes it possible to make decisions on her own as to whom to provide with assistance and how, and where, and that, moreover, such assistance is not anonymous, as is the case with the multilateral aid provided by international organisation, which is both more efficient and preferred by its recipients, is evidence of such policy.


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