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Tom 71 Nr 2 (2018): Jak mówić o Unii Europejskiej?

W poszukiwaniu nowej opowieści o Europie

Polskie tradycje dyskursu o Europie – komponent historyczny debaty integracyjnej

Przesłane: 14 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 29 czerwca 2018


In this text the integration narratives have been divided into following types: pro-integration, anti-integration (in their extreme – pro-disintegration narratives) as well as correcting narratives. In the case of the latter we are talking about these narratives which focus on possibility or necessity of modification of European integration process by deepening or reversing of the process, though only in particular aspects and without maximalist vision of full integration or dissolution of the EU. These narratives constitutes the field of the integration debate. Such debate in concrete context is described as a discourse on Europe. Traditions of such discourse are the main subject of this article – we are indicating main phases of integration debate and the context of them. We are indicating also so-called difference in integration traineeship, what differentiates debates and discourses of “old” and “new” EU countries. Eventually we define those traditions as a historical component of contemporary debate on Europe. Analysing the language of contemporary Polish integration debate one can state that this historical component is almost absent in prointergation narratives, what can weaken their persuasion potential in comparison with anti-integration debates, referring to the history, while ignoring Polish experience and integration concepts.


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