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Tom 72 Nr 2 (2019): Kryzys na świecie - świat w kryzysie


Wybory we Flandrii w maju 2019 roku. Parlamentarne trzęsienie ziemi

Przesłane: 26 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 27 września 2019


In May 2019, six parliamentary elections were held in the Kingdom of Belgium, including in the Flemish Parliament, the Walloon Parliament, the Federal Parliament, the Brussels Metropolitan Region, the German-speaking Community and the European Parliament. The first five of them are specific of the federal state. According to observers of the political scene in the Kingdom of Belgium, the results of the elections in Flanders have caused a real electoral earthquake. The Kingdom of Belgium has come a long way from a unitary state to a federal state, in which three regions: Wallonia, Flanders and the Brussels-Capital Region play a leading role. The last one occupies an important place in confederalist concepts currently dominating the political scene of the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), the largest Belgian party, and the Flemish Interest (VB), which has been promoted to second place. The results of the May elections have given unexpected dynamics to the events. The programmes of both right-wing and nationalist parties leave no illusions about the direction in which their charismatic leaders go. The article focuses on Flanders, whose politicians can determine the fate of this federal state.



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