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Tom 73 Nr 2 (2020): Trójmorze wobec wyzwań współczesności

Dyplomacja i bezpieczeństwo

Obszary bezpieczeństwa Inicjatywy Trójmorza

Przesłane: 20 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 21 grudnia 2020


The Three Seas Initiative (tsi) is a relatively young format of regional cooperation, partially implemented by the instruments of the European Union. The areas of the Initiative’s activity declared in Dubrovnik (2016): logistic and transport cooperation, energy cooperation as well as IT and telecommunication cooperation are immanent components of national and international security. At the same time, they implement security postulates directly or indirectly, increasing the potential and possibilities in other areas.
The aim of the study is to demonstrate the relationship between the activities carried out in the TSI format and security understood today – both in its „positive” and „negative” dimensions. The leading hypothesis is the assumption that by increasing the civilizational and infrastructural potential, levelling the development backwardness and the  competitiveness of the region, it increases the level of security of the whole region, as well as of international institutions such as the European Union and NATO.


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