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Vol. 75 No. 2 (2022): Dezinformacja i operacje wpływu

Dezinformacja i operacje wpływu

Turkish influence operations in Western Europe using the example of France

Submitted: April 5, 2023
Published: 2022-12-31


The subject of the article is an analysis of the long-term operations of the Turkish government to influence the Turkish minority in France. The author describes the potential of such operations, taking into account the susceptibility of their object. The article lists the organisations involved, their connections to the current circles of power in Turkey, and examples of disinformation and malinformation. The  emphasis is on  the  multi-vector nature of  Turkish propaganda, aimed at relations with France, taking control of the Turkish minority, positioning the country more broadly as a defender of Islam, but also maintaining a base of support for nationalist and Islamist politicians in Turkey. Considering that Turkey uses tools specific to authoritarian regimes, this allows us to raise a question about the state of democracy in Turkey.


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