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Tom 72 Nr 3 (2019): Azja: Kultura – Edukacja – Społeczeństwo

Prawo międzynarodowe i prawa człowieka

Mechanizmy indonezyjskiej zbrodni z 1965 r. w świetle najnowszych ustaleń

Przesłane: 8 maja 2020
Opublikowane: 27.09.2019


The article aims to analyse the mechanisms of Indonesian mass killings between 1965 and 1966 in light of the latest reports. The author refers to the most recent academic research, as well as the verdict announced in 2016 by the International People’s Tribunal in the Hague on the 1965 Crimes against Humanity in Indonesia (IPT 1965).
Available sources confirm the thesis advanced by the researchers of the Indonesian political upheaval since the early 1980s that mass violence in the archipelago should be understood as a crime against humanity carried out by the military in an organised manner, with a declared intent to annihilate the main political rival, the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).
The author focuses on the issues of the organisation and morphology of violence, its ethnic dimension, as well as the problem of the international and internal negation of genocide in Indonesia, and the related issues of transitional justice.


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