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Tom 23 (2018): BESTIARIUM

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Martwe życie. Biopolityczna analiza kultury zombie

Przesłane: 15 grudnia 2019
Opublikowane: 28.12.2018


The aim of the article is to show the phenomenon of dead life present in the zombie culture as a radical form of political nihilism, lack of trust and rebellion against the political and economic strategies of training, appropriation, formation, and the inclusion and exclusion of life. Achieving this goal requires the adoption of a biopolitical perspective. In other words, it requires the presentation of the mechanisms of modern bio-power, its legal, organisational and economic strategies focused on manipulating and transforming the lives of the organised mass of human bodies. Then, the feedback relations between bare life and modern bio-power are shown in the context of Agamben’s political deprivation of the properties of life. Lastly, the close relationship between the biopolitical transformations of the organisational culture of the West and the emergence and function of a zombie culture focused around dead life are shown.


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