Doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie filozofii. Pracuje w Zakładzie Filozofii Politycznej Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Absolwentka Międzyobszarowych Indywidualnych Studiów Humanistycznych i Społecznych, magister historii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Research Fellow na Catholic University of America, Washington DC (2014). Interesuje się analizami sporu między liberałami a komunitarianami, a także zagadnieniami pamięci zbiorowej i tożsamości historycznej.
Political correctness as a norm of behaviour in liberal political culture is criticized as a sophisticated type of modern censorship, or stronger, as an ideological tool in the hands of part of Western political and cultural elites. Nonetheless, it appears to play important and necessary functions in a democratic system. Even if we agree that political correctness is cynical and hypocritical by nature, it does not lose its value. Its ambiguous potential can be creatively used, particularly in the areas of public discourse, deliberation and public debate, but also in other important spheres of liberal political culture and, more broadly, the democratic political system.