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Tom 15 (2013): REWOLUCJA

Temat numeru

Polityka i czas, czyli zderzenie epok: tradycyjności, moderności i postmoderności

Przesłane: 9 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 30 stycznia 2013


A number of authors have described the clash of civilizations as the main form of conflict in today’s world. The author argues that a far more fundamental clash is taking place: the clash of epochs. It constitutes a hitherto little-noticed ground in which various forms of conflict can take place. It contributes to the weakening of Western civilization. The clash of epochs, as manifested in the conflict between tradition, modernity and postmodernity, has impelled the West to a point where it is torn apart internally and increasingly incapable of withstanding emerging challenges. To resist its postmodern deconstruction, the West must rediscover itself as a cultural entity. It must return to the classical tradition that for hundreds of years contributed to its strength. It must review it anew in today’s complex context of postmodernity and globalism.


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