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Vol. 30 (2022)

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The Utopia of Life after Capitalism: A Departure from Growth As Seen by Tim Jackson

Submitted: August 30, 2022
Published: 2022-12-29


The subject of the text is the vision of a post-capitalist society by British economist and sustainable development researcher Tim Jackson. It is a unique, feasible utopia based on the latest empirical economical findings and reports by natural scientists on the seriousness of contemporary environmental threats. The article systematically reconstructs its fundamental assumptions.

Jackson’s arguments are directed against „growthism”, that is, the unreflective acceptance of the logic of never-ending economic growth at any cost. The utopia built by this economist is based on the pillars of balance, prosperity, psychological flow and work. The article uses ideas from Jackson’s works (Prosperity without Growth. Economics for a Finite Planet published in 2009 and Post Growth. Life after Capitalism from 2021), as well as selected theses and findings of the ecological economics of degrowth.


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