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Vol. 28 (2021)

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Od dyktatury ekspertów do demokracji nieliberalnej: Podejście systemowe do demokracji deliberacyjnej i jego braki

Submitted: April 21, 2020
Published: 2021-06-21


The lack of transparency of decision-making processes typical of liberal democracies and the related crisis of citizens' trust in political institutions are among main reasons for the success of illiberal democratic parties. According to critics of liberalism, too many decisions today are delegated to bodies that are not democratically supervised. The proponents of the concept of deliberative democracy formulate various remedies for this situation. However, this is not the case of the most popular version of deliberative democracy today – the systemic approach to deliberative democracy. The author of the article claims that this approach may legitimize "undemocratic liberalism" - one of the causes of the current crisis of liberal democracy. The aim of the article is to present and criticize the systemic approach account of the role of democratically unattended expert bodies in the political system.


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