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Nr 28 (2020)

Zjednoczenie Niemiec

Compliance of Interests? The Problem of the United Germany’s Borders in Polish-French Political Relations between 1989 and 1990

Przesłane: 3 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 17 grudnia 2020


During the period of reunification of the two German states in the declining period of the Cold War, France and Poland collaborated on issues related to the reunification conditions, in particular the borders of the united Germany. France’s policy was based on political calculations and was a continuation of the line taken by Paris with regard to the German issue after 1945. A certain similarity of the positions of the two states on the final shape of the borders was visible even before the beginning of the 2 + 4 process. France has not withdrawn from its border declarations of the 1950s. At the crucial moment, when Germany was being reunited, it made efforts to take the voices of Germany’s neighbours into account and held regular consultations with Poland.


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