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Nr 25/1 (2017)


Wpływ załamania się koncepcji „resetu” w stosunkach amerykańsko-rosyjskich na stosunki amerykańsko-niemieckie

Przesłane: 8 października 2020
Opublikowane: 28 kwietnia 2017


The reset in Washington-Bonn relations resulted from a reorientation of US foreign policy after President Barack Obama took office. The new administration concluded that the problems they faced in relation to the international involvement of the United States and the economic crisis were global in nature and required cooperation not only with NATO allies (with whom its relations were also not the best), but also with Russia.
President Obama hoped to cooperate with Russia, but some observers found his position naive and attributed it to his lack of experience.
The policy of ‘reset’ quickly began to fade out and the Obama administration started to gradually withdraw from it. The Russian aggression in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea in March 2014 put an end to this policy.
The impact of the failure of the ‘reset’ policy in US-Russian relations on US-German relations should be viewed in terms of the policies pursued by the two countries and the hopes they place in their mutual relations. Because both countries have an important position in international relations, their bilateral relations are characterized by a factual and balanced approach. This also applies to their policy towards Russia.


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