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Vol. 73 No. 1 (2020): Polityka klimatyczna: stałość i zmiany

Power Engineering

Poland’s energy security in the context of Russia’s neo-imperial policy as well as European and transatlantic cooperation: Poland as a gas hub

Submitted: January 23, 2021
Published: 2020-12-30


The aim of the article is to analyse Poland’s energy security in the context of Russia’s neo-imperial policy, treating energy carriers as an instrument of influence and dependence of states, and to rebuild its international position. In line with the geopolitical approach, limiting the energy dependence of Central and Eastern Europe on Russia has not only a purely economic dimension, but concerns the geostrategic future of the European continent and the type of international order to be developed in Europe and in the transatlantic area. Poland’s gas strategy is a case study. Poland decided to finish the contract for the purchase of natural gas from Russia by December 31, 2022. Poland, striving to meet the growing needs for natural gas, undertakes actions aimed at diversifying sources and directions of supplies. Particular emphasis is placed on the concept of Poland as a gas hub developed within the framework of the Three Seas Initiative and a desire to prevent Russia and Germany from building the Nord Stream II pipeline, a project, which is in Poland’s opinion, contradictory with the aim to ensure Europe’s energy security.


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