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Vol. 73 No. 3 (2020): Westlessness czyli zmierzch Zachodu 2.0?


The Asia-Pacific region in transition: A review of the book entitled Chinese press on social and cultural changes in the country at the beginning of the 21st century by Krzysztof Gawlikowski

Submitted: March 9, 2021
Published: 2021-03-30


China, mainly because of its growing power, exemplifies the historical transformation towards a world with a multipolar balance of power in place of a unilateral one. For understandable reasons, this process attracts the attention of the global establishment - politicians, strategists and experts who attempt to outline scenarios for the development of the international situation, including in the field of such important issues as global security or the prospects of the world economy. New publications are constantly being published, one of them being the recently published book by the team of authors of the SWPS University, edited by prof. Krzysztof Gawlikowski entitled - Chinese press on social and cultural changes in the country at the beginning of the twentieth century. In fact, the publication is a Polish contribution to the ongoing global debate on the accommodation of the growth of China's power by the international environment. The article is an extended review, it characterizes the content of the book, but at the same time it contains the author's associative references, based on his own research works covering the issues of international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region or contemporary American-Chinese relations.


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