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Tom 51 Nr 1 (2023)

Myśl polityczna

Alexandre Kojève – Filozoficzny jakobin czy nowoczesny bonapartysta?

Przesłane: 6 czerwca 2022
Opublikowane: 17 maja 2023


Kojève is considered by many to be a Marxist thinker whose interpretation of Hegelianism was said to be similar to the twentieth-century ‘totalitarian’ ideologies. Historical research on his political thought has preserved his image as a ‘philosophical Jacobin’, who had an affirmative stance toward political violence and was an apologist for revolutionary activity, the ultimate goal of which was to be ‘the end of history’. The article aims to present an alternative narrative based on new research and sources that show that his thought is much more nuanced. Firstly, it is claimed that the context of his work should be found primarily in Russian religious philosophy and relations with Russian intellectuals in exile. Secondly, the infl uence of geopolitical changes in the first half of the twentieth century on the evolution of his political concepts is emphasised. Thirdly, his critical attitude to revolutionary theories is discussed. Finally, the article concludes with a presentation of the views of ‘mature’ Kojève as one of the creators of the vision of modern European universalism based on a specific ideal of justice and the desire for a lasting peace ending the post-Enlightenment chaos full of brutal wars and revolutions.


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