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Tom 51 Nr 3 (2023)

Integracja europejska/Unia Europejska

Późnowestfalskie innowacje w polityce zewnętrznej Unii Europejskiej

Przesłane: 16 stycznia 2024
Opublikowane: 26 października 2023


The purpose of this article is to take a closer look at the European Union’s (EU) external policy and its diplomatic apparatus, i.e. the European External Action Service (EEAS). as a post-Westphalian political innovation specific only to the EU. The article assumes that the EU’s post-Westphalian external policy is based on multilateralism, hybridism and normative plasticity. All the features of the EU’s external policy became apparent in the EEAS, which, originally constructed as a ‘service’, gradually turned into an ‘interstitial organisation’. Trying to find its place between standardisation and adaptation to the structures and practices typical of classical Westphalian diplomacy, and the emergence of transformative structures and new diplomatic practice, it has become a source of innovation related to the changing dynamics in diplomacy.


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