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Tom 51 Nr 4 (2023)

Instytucje polityczne

Stan i perspektywy służby cywilnej po nowelizacji ustawy o służbie cywilnej w 2015 roku

Przesłane: 13 czerwca 2024
Opublikowane: 29 marca 2024


The article will analyse the consequences of the introduction of the 2015 statutory changes involving, among others, the abolition of competitions for senior positions in the civil service and the extinction of employment relations. The effect of these changes is excessive staff turnover, the possibility of discretionary filling of senior positions (due to lowering of competence requirements), a decrease in the number of candidates for vacant positions, a decrease in the number of appointments. The most painful effect is the noticeable regression of the civil service, resulting in an inability to retain the best qualified staff in the civil service. The lowering of standards associated with traditional features of civil service systems, such as impartiality, neutrality and professionalism, requires immediate reinforcement. A key question remains about the efficiency of the state in the context of the degradation of the civil service (especially in a pandemic situation).


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