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Tom 47 Nr 3 (2019)

Myśl polityczna

Nowy materializm jako ideologia postponowoczesności. Spojrzenie krytyczne

Przesłane: 30 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 27 września 2019


The concept of new materialism is understood as the direction of political thought, whose main assumptions are the idea of matter regarded as an independent causative agent, and consequently the postulate of political and legal  ‘empowerment’ of non-human beings – animals, plants, parts of inanimate nature, as well as relations, ideas and actions. New materialism appears at the same time as the doctrinal culmination of postmodernism and a post-modernism ideology: contemporary political discourse includes more and more slogans referring to new materialistic ideas: the postulate of environmental protection is considered compatible with the acceptance of the meaning of technology. Both ideas are to justify moving away from recognizing the rights of a human individual as the basic method of legitimisation. The author analyses the new-materialist concept of matter as a structure intended to serve political purposes, indicates the ideological function of this category, i.e. the justification of using the slogans of political identity resulting from material factors (race, sex, etc.) and a departure from the paradigm of an individual as a human rights subject. He concludes that new materialism is, at least potentially, not only an ideological programme of further political and cultural changes, but also an ideology of a supranational political structure, departing from the idea of a welfare state, giving up the appearance of political empowerment of citizens and promoting the political and cultural particularisation of the ruled as a condition of its power.


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