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Tom 52 Nr 2 (2024)

Stosunki międzynarodowe

„Strategiczne sprzeczności”. Relacje polsko-rosyjskie w latach 2005–2007

Przesłane: 27 lutego 2025
Opublikowane: 21 czerwca 2024


The years spanning 2005 to 2007 witnessed significant shifts and challenges in the relationship between Poland and Russia, particularly under the Law and Justice government and President Lech Kaczyński. This article delves into the complexities of this era, focusing on three primary areas of contention: Poland’s decision to veto negotiations for a new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the European Union and Russia, the contentious debate surrounding the proposed deployment of an American anti-missile system in Poland, and Poland’s strategic efforts towards achieving energy independence from Russia. The Polish veto on PCA negotiations highlighted fundamental disagreements and conflicting interests between the two nations. Concurrently, the dispute over the American anti-missile system exacerbated tensions, with Russia vehemently opposing its placement, perceiving it as a direct challenge to its national security and regional influence. Furthermore, Poland’s pursuit of energy independence reflected a strategic imperative, driven by the necessity to lessen dependence on Russian energy sources. These developments brought to the forefront the antagonistic nature of the relationship between Poland and Russia, revealing the strategic complexities inherent in their relations.


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