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Vol. 47 No. 2 (2019)

Political thought

The Role and Importance of the Political Philosophy of Libertarianism in the General Debate on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

  • Karol Mazur
Submitted: December 31, 2019
Published: 2019-06-28


The aim of the article is to present the basic assumptions and arguments used by the libertarian activist community in the debate on the right to keep and bear arms. Access to weapons is currently one of the most important socio-legal problems in the area of the state-citizen relationships for the libertarian doctrine. Another purpose of the article is to show the main dilemmas and controversies related to this issue. The article uses the arguments taken from the basic literature supporting liberalisation in this area, as well as the opinions of libertarian environments demanding a radical abolition of state rigor in this matter. The article consists of four parts, i.e. it outlines the framework of the problem, demonstrates the attitude of the libertarian movement to the state control of arms, analyses exemplary dilemmas resulting from statistical surveys and summarises the problem taking account of a possible future and the movement’s strategy related to the problem discussed.


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