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Tom 31 (2022)

Recenzje i artykuły recenzyjne

Za blisko / za daleko: Recenzja książki Lauren Berlant On the Inconvenience of Other People

Przesłane: 6 kwietnia 2023
Opublikowane: 16.02.2023




  1. Berlant L., On the Inconvenience of Other People, Duke University Press, Durham–London 2022.
  2. Berlant L., Cruel Optimism, Duke University Press, Durham–London 2011.
  3. Bey M., Black Trans Feminism, Duke University Press, Durham–London 2022.
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  5. Moten F., The Universal Machine, Duke University Press, Durham–London 2018.
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  8. Stanley E., The Affective Commons: Gay Shame, Queer Hate, and Other Collective Feelings, „GLQ: A Journal Of Lesbian and Gay Studies” 2018, t. 24, nr 4, s. 489–508, DOI: 10.1215/10642684-6957800.
  9. Stanley E.A., Atmospheres of Violence. Structuring Antagonism and the Trans/Queer Ungovernable, Duke University Press, Durham–London 2021.
  10. Wallenhorst M., Like a Real Veil, Like a Bad Analogy: Dissociative Style and Trans Aesthetics, „e-flux” 2021, nr 117, (dostęp: 19.03.2023).


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