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Vol. 29 (2021)

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Pantheismusstreit, Nature, and the Dialectic of Enlightenment

Submitted: May 25, 2021
Published: 2022-05-18


The so-called ‘pantheism controversy’ was an important philosophical event in the German intellectual landscape in the last two decades of the 18th century, which also provoked the massive Spinoza revival in Germany at that time. There is a vast literature concerning the controversy both from philosophical and purely historiographical point of view, however, despite the hotly discussed Jonathan I. Israel’s Enlightenment tetralogy, there is still lacking some novel, more comprehensive debate regarding a relation of the Pantheismusstreit to a global dynamics of the late Enlightenment and its inner developmental tensions. I discuss the key ideas formulated by Herder, Goethe, Fichte, Kant, Schleiermacher and Novalis as responses to the pantheistic challenge as presented in a sort of provocation by Jacobi, and I show that they are closely related in that they make transparent some core ideological tensions typical of modernity. I identify two principal political axes which are centres of gravity in the whole Pantheismusstreit: axis of transcendence/immanence, and axis of autonomy/heteronomy. I claim that the historical ‘pantheism’ phenomenon should not be a priori linked with some emancipatory potential but rather taken as a kind of ‘lens’ or ‘sounding probe’ to study Enlightenment’s internal weak points and neglected problems which in many cases have been instrumentalized by the anti-Enlightenment reaction. However, I stress that pantheism as an idea played a quite fundamental role in a rapid process of de-eschatologization, and is, at the same time, a highly significant symptom of political re-orientation within the modernity in ways which have nothing to do with the claims of the classical ‘secularization thesis’ by Löwith, Schmitt or Taubes.


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