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Vol. 24 (2019): Polish Philosophy: Between Local and Universal


The Social Dimension of Human Nature: Consequences and Challenges

Submitted: December 15, 2019
Published: 2019-06-28


We are social beings. Facts show that an individual is not independent and needs to situate oneself and find meaning within a larger whole. The acceptance of this thesis should be accompanied by the awareness of threats arising from the social dimension of human nature. While desires make us dependent on the objects of desire, our social needs make us dependent on society. For fear of exclusion, we agree to play roles contrary to our conscience. On the other hand, every human being has a potential for autonomous, individual and disobedient behaviour. Rarely used, yet present, it constitutes a universal base for our  causative capabilities and ethical obligations. The level of individual moral subjectivity is a challenge for us and the goal of our efforts. Interpreted in this way, it has a chance to become a desired remedy for the damaging effects of social subordination.



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