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Tom 59 Nr 1 (2015): CZYTAJĄC ELIASA

Artykuły i rozprawy

Doświadczenie ojcostwa a znaturalizowany porządek płciowy w Eliasowskiej perspektywie

Przesłane: 30 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 10 lutego 2015


This article focuses on the relations between men and women in the area of family life, and in particular the situation of fathers and their approach to biological differences between the genders. Using the theoretical perspective developed by Norbert Elias, the author shows how the organization of social life, which she considers to be based on the inequality of men and women, is legitimized by emphasis in the process of naturalizing gender differences. On the basis of qualitative research, methods of defining fatherhood in reference to that difference are depicted, as are the strategies which individuals adopt to deal with it, and the problems that are connected with this in contemporary Polish society.


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