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Tom 67 Nr 1 (2023)

Z warsztatów badawczych

Starsi i młodsi geje — specyfika międzygeneracyjnych relacji w doświadczeniach i opiniach „seniorów”

Przesłane: 27 września 2022
Opublikowane: 31 marca 2023


The article presents opinions and experiences of gays over 50 years of age related to issues of intergenerational relations. Interviews conducted with representatives of the generation of homosexual men who created the basis of their sexual identity in the times of the Polish People’s Republic reveal that the “gay environment” at that time exhibited a lower level of age segregation and ageism than the current LGBT community. The interviewed men now feel a significant distance towards young members of this community. Such a phenomenon might be explained by a variety of factors: not only differing experiences, expression, or identity processes, but also the specifics of contemporary minority infrastructure geared towards fulfilling the needs of younger people.


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