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About the Journal

Kultura i Społeczeństwo [Culture and Society]

Kultura i Społeczeństwo is a quarterly published continuously by the Polish Academy of Sciences ever since 1957. The journal was established at the time of a revival of Polish Sociology in the post‐Stalin period. It has become a journal which incorporates both the achievements of the most prominent, internationally recognized scientists in the field, and first and foremost its Editors‐in‐Chief, namely Józef Chałasiński (1957‐1959 and 1967‐1989), Stefan Żółkiewski (1960‐1966), Antonina Kłoskowska (1983‐2001) and Elżbieta Tarkowska (2001‐2016) and current achievements.

Currently the journal is published jointly by the Committee on Sociology, PAS and the Institute of Political Studies, PAS. The present Editorial Board endeavors to persevere the existing thematic approach by accepting multidisciplinary contributions. We accept proposals on a continuous basis. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research in the fields of sociology, anthropology, social thought, cultural studies. In the thematic issues we publish texts dealing with a particular theme as well as articles on other topics.

This is the open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Since 2019 we have published all articles in open access on our website. The older articles (since 2011) have been permanently free for everyone to read and download from The Journals Repository.


Aims and Scope of the Journal

Kultura i Społeczeństwo publishes in Polish and in English texts within the fields of Sociology, Culture and Religion. Welcomed are theoretical articles as well as empirically‐oriented papers. We publish scientific disputes and book reviews. Our Aim is to introduce Polish contemporary research in the f‌ield into the international arena. Furthermore, we strive to consolidate knowledge on the history of Sociological Sciences and Humanities in Poland by publishing original source materials.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Poland assigned 70 credits to publications in Kultura i Społeczeństwo.