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Tom 74 Nr 2 (2021): Białoruś – niedokończona rewolucja


„Dumna dziewczyna w bieli": Udział kobiet w protestach na Białorusi po wyborach prezydenckich w 2020 r.

Przesłane: 21 grudnia 2021
Opublikowane: 8 grudnia 2021


The article is part of the discussion on women’s political participation, their involvement in social movements and protests which are concentrated on the power shift and democratisation of the political system. The text focuses on the case study of Belarusian women’s participation in anti-regime and pro-democracy protests following the rigged presidential election of 9 August 2020.
The aim of the article is to answer questions about the reasons for women’s involvement in the 2020 protests in Belarus and the methods of action used by them. The article also analyses the differences and similarities between the women’s protests in Belarus and pro-democracy protests oriented towards power change in other countries.


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