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Vol. 74 No. 1 (2021): Powrót miast. Miasta przyszłości

Powrót miast. Miasta przyszłości

The role of cities in times of crisis of multilateralism

Submitted: March 24, 2021
Published: 2021-10-22


The article shows how cities are nowadays stepping into the role of nation states and how they efficiently cooperate with other cities on transnational level, not only bilaterally but also multilaterally. The authors point to the clear symptoms of the crisis of the multilateralism and against this background focus on the role of cities in saving and/or fixing the multilateral system and solving global problems. An example of such activity is that of cities’ during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, in the conclusions an attempt is made to answer the research question: can cities be regarded as a helping hand or a fix for the multilateral system? The research methods used are those of discourse analysis and formal-legal analysis. The analysis made is possible to conclude that the answer to the research question is positive – cities may help to fix or even save the multilateral system.


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